Where are the hidden buttons? Can't find them, the TAB Button activates a Cheat message
Edit: Found it, just have to press certain keys in the keyboard
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This was a minor flash I had made in 2011 and decided to bring back up since it was just rotting there. Heck, I had nothing else to do except lounge in the NG Chat, which was, needless to say, not very productive, but then again spending time on this wasn't exactly a good way to spend time :p
Okay, so the story goes: Canned and Crouton of the Soup Squad are having a contest to see who can chomp the chilies faster than the other. Don't ask me how it got started because I don't know, okay?
So it's essentially a one-button game: You press the big orange button in the middle. There'll be a countdown that says "Ready...Set...Go!" Heck, if you're impatient like me, then just skip it and click. We don't care if you cheat. Just don't press the TAB button, or else you'll just end up going to the main menu.
The audio used in this was of ID 482906 or something. Look at the audio credits on the left or bottom for the actual ID, though. Sound effects courtesy of the internet, I think either soundjay.com or something. I don't know, actually, since it's been so long >.<
Oh, and by the way, there are medals added. It's rather easy but not suitable for you if you're an impatient fellow. Try to get them all, and most importantly, enjoy this rather small, pathetic (depending on your point of view) game! :p
Where are the hidden buttons? Can't find them, the TAB Button activates a Cheat message
Edit: Found it, just have to press certain keys in the keyboard
Doesn't work on Ruffle as far as I know. You needed to press Tab to switch focus to the buttons and then it'd appear. But it's been ages since I made this game, so I don't remember what exactly was "hidden" about it.
amma slap crouton rn.
ez use autoclicker but what are the secret medals
Wtf is it?
And why they eat so... slow?
the canned medal win dont work