pretty good
i like the animation and sounds, good job, are u starting a series?
This is my first major flash project. The rest were not really all that elaborate, which is probably why I like this one so much.
Anywho, Shameless plug for my site.
pretty good
i like the animation and sounds, good job, are u starting a series?
I really liked how you drew that Samurai guy. The cannons shooting with the explosion was a neat effect. The story seems unfinished. Is there going to be more?
A mushroom makes a perfect samurai, the cap looks like one of the sun hats that Japanese farmers use, as well as some samurai. I loved the masamune reference. Great work, then again, I'm a sucker for anything anime/manga affiliated, but who gives a shit. Heather-senpai, you get "go" not an "ichi" "ni" "san" or "yon", a "go", and a "ju" for your review. Subarashi!
its different from all the others bravo ps keep the good work up dore to be different
sorry thats just how i see it, demos and trailers just make me sick, but atleast i gave you some kinda score...