The fuck?
Sorry for the last one guys, im waiting till it either get blammed or ill delete it if it passes. This is the better enhanced version.
The fuck?
lolkinda agree with the guy under me
I can see from watching it that you have got potential but you should definatley channel it into some other sort of movie with at least a storyline. Oh and the music and text is offensive. This should definatley be rated as a 15+ including all of the awful pictures. it is also midly offensive but as I said I think you have got potential so just use to make something better.
Sorry, but try again.
If this is the enhanced version, I don't want to see the previous version.
I will admit, I like the idea of the guy tripping out and seeing a "Ghetto" version of Mel Gibson, but the graphics kind of ruined the point of it.
Not to mention when you started playing the audio for when the guy who was tripping, started wiping his eyes, even before he appeared on the screen.
Also, the ending voice was a little harsh, and the voice acting wasn't very good.