if you all know
this wasnt meant to be funny it was just a preview of something he was doing and it was great with the leg an i mation this is art not comedy ok
Don't shoot until you see the red in their neck.
if you all know
this wasnt meant to be funny it was just a preview of something he was doing and it was great with the leg an i mation this is art not comedy ok
looked good, but that was all.. :(
ok so there was like what 3 hour to spare before you had a dentist apointment? the graphics and sound were GREAT.. but thats all there was.. do more, do better, Do something!?
what was that?
there is no point in watching this. if anything it should be blamed. you have good use of flash but use it for something good damm it!
Abcrap, more like. ive watched both of your movies now. they both suck. make something decent or is that beyond you?
The on lt thing good about this flash was the graphics the rest was kinda a big dissapointment