Fairly humerous, I would make the animation for the guys in the foreground a bit more noticable, like the tilting in the original Brodyquest.
Also, the music loops over itself. Watch out for that!
Ten-yn and Nin-ate, Ten-yn and Nin-ate.
This is for a bunch of guys I play D&D with. If you're not in the campaign, it's not going to be remotely amusing except that it's a silly Brodyquest knockoff.
Fairly humerous, I would make the animation for the guys in the foreground a bit more noticable, like the tilting in the original Brodyquest.
Also, the music loops over itself. Watch out for that!
heh, i like the music, and that its not a constant loop, but actuall changes happen!!!
it actually has a story, though its not great.