Seemed like a cheesy anime. When I first watched this and saw the thumbnail for TOME (which I'm just now getting into) I somehow thought they looked similar.
Happy New Year, everybody! Well, a bit delayed, but close enough.
I thought I'd put some of the stuff I learned last semester to good use and animate a short all frame-by-frame. No tween abuse today, no sir!
It's an animated introduction to the story of Eddie Raser: A boy who's never dreamed before, but is now stuck in one. When people dream, you see, they really go to this place called Nod. It's a world just as real as ours, though most folks are only half-conscious while there.
EDIT: Front page? HOO-RAY! Thanks, everybody!
Seemed like a cheesy anime. When I first watched this and saw the thumbnail for TOME (which I'm just now getting into) I somehow thought they looked similar.
Sweet, with a deliciously creamy center!
The animation was very fluid and visually appealing, not to mention entertaining and very engaging.
Also, the characters kick ass. Great work!
Very good work!
wish Cadillac and dinosaurs where like that
Well done, sir!
Nothing critical to say against the animation. I really enjoyed the style, the action scenes were well choreographed and the girl was freakin' awesome! You have a good ability to design interesting characters. The only reason I didn't give this a 10 was down to the audio, but with saying that as the animation progressed it seemed to get better. Good job. Look forward to your future work.
:D good start
very well animated!! frame by frame is a though job but totally worth it :3
keep up the good work!!