is this.... a..?
Ok,this is the other movie,still in progress,so I have to use my mouse,not my pencil,that why you
will have to see just the ideea,not the action,and also notice the ambience.
Still not have a script,but I have a start,in what I want to do.
I don't really want to see it on NG,all what I need is to know what you think.
PS:don't forget to check my news about the other movie.
is this.... a..?
What does it mean by the deep spirited?
What "Träum" is meaning...dream.
Most of my animation a coming like from another world,
or like from a dream.
I notice that on NG,most of the story are with zombie,aliens,
but what if they are with human?Would not be much more interesting
to see they in unsual situation?
hehe it´s dötsch
crappy movie but hey its deutsch^^
I should make it look like this,because I don't want like peoples to know to much
about my work.