A little better than the last one as the slow paced start to the flash actually seemed to lead somewhere in the end and something from past flashes in the series finally came to light. However, I did feel that the start was still perhaps a little too drawn out and you could have done with cutting a few of the lines. The same problems which have been present in this series from the very first episode still exist as well, which is really disappointing when you're 9 episodes in.
A replay button is still missing from the end, the pillars still look out of place in the intro due to them being the only part of the image with any depth and an apostrophe was missing from the title once more.
Most of the scenes were still shot straight on, missing the much needed diagonals in order to add depth to the image. However, there was one shot where you seemed to remedy this, but you messed it up by failing to apply the diagonals to all areas. This was the scene which took up the bulk of the movie. You had a shot showing the corner of a room. The shelf along the left wall had diagonals, but the door on the right wall was drawn as though it was straight on. This looked absolutely bizarre. You should have drawn the door at a matching diagonal as well. You also needed to add depth to the objects on the shelf as well as flat items on a shelf with depth also looked bizarre.
The flash was still completely lacking in animation. The main issue was with the animals. They seemed very too rigid and the cat and most of the mice didn't move at all. To make them appear life-like and not like they're stuffed toys you need to put work into animating their body parts. The frog animation was also weak. A tweened stretch did not look like natural movement at all. I felt that more work needed to go into it's leg movements to make it look like it was jumping across the floor.