There should be a violence disclaimer at the beginning
Hello all, here is my Madness Day 2011 animation: Tootsie Roll Pop.
This is a madness version of the original Tootsie Roll Pop commercial, which can be found here:
Whether you enjoy or not, this is what I was able to do for Madness Day this year. I think it's better than my previous Madness Day entries, personally.
- CM
P.S. Please add to the Madness Day 2011 collection.
There should be a violence disclaimer at the beginning
That's a joke, right?
Random Kid: Mr.Madness man how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll without all in a tootsie pop?
Mr.Madness man : 1st off I dONT HAVE A FUCKING MOUTH HOW AM I TALKING.....
It takes over 9000 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
And yes I had to make that reference.
Good use of it :P
this was the best rated e madness animation ever
Why thank you :D
LOL me XYOTOONS this movie is Awkawdx4000000