Proper graphics, strange story
First of all, kudos for your work!
Yes, some of the animation may be a bit crude, but all in all I like your style. Especially the scenes inside the underground bunker, which show us the growing loneliness and boredom of Stanislav Petrov, are very good.
I totally disagree with the committee, as much as you do, about the passing days, you used a typical way to show that, I guess every viewer understood that immediately. And it doesn't look a bit like South Park to me!
Nice soundtrack but I missed some voice acting, guess that would have helped. The only real weakness of this flashmovie is the storyline. Using a pseudo-historicial story is fine for me, but when you start with "Thanks for preventing WWIII" the final scene makes little to no sense, right?
I don't wanna spoil the movie for anyone, but the entire end seemed to be to rushed for me, it doesn't fit to the calm and silent undertone of the moive so far.
Nonetheless, I like this, and If you ever make a director's cut with a differnet ending and some voice acting I promise to vote higher!