Il be honest here
As much as the animation dosen't compare to Super Mario Bros. Z,
i can definitely say it is inspired by that.
I enjoyed this flash, it was short and it reminded me of my early flash animating days
this is just a short sprite movie that i worked hard on. i hope you like it and if it is popular i will make a sequel.
luigi decides to practice for the next smash bros game. his opponent? the best fighter in super smash bros: super mario!
Il be honest here
As much as the animation dosen't compare to Super Mario Bros. Z,
i can definitely say it is inspired by that.
I enjoyed this flash, it was short and it reminded me of my early flash animating days
Try harder, I'm sorry.
This was not entertaining to watch, and I'm sure you got this program.
I don't think I should really even acknowledge the fact that you created a flash without gifs and more so stretched them out and framed them out poorly. This wasn't entertaining to watch, and I suggest you try to learn more about the program if you want to work hard on a project with Flash. Newgrounds shouldn't be built around animations such as this one. I don't want to come off as spiteful, but you need to rethink what you post and what you should very well not.
Work on it.
Listen. You shouldn't have sprites on a drawn background. Increase the FPS and put some more effort. I know animation is kinda hard but if your gonna do something, don't half ass it. Work on it and get better. Hope you get better in your future videos.
Hm, where to start.
Well, the little preloader intro was sweet, but the background/and quality of the music and sprites were lacking. Plus the FPS (my guess, 12 FPS?) ruined the whole feel of the movie. If I were you, I would set it to 24 FPS if I was making a fighting movie for smooth and fluid animations. That's just me. Hope to see improvements next movie! :D
did this take 1 min to make
You should not have taken credit for the background. It was shite. spend some time drawing and planning.