Here is my terrible excuse for a Flash (which isn't even animated) for clock day.
Criterion 4K edition arriving soon!
I love how this gets 4 stars and my video gets 2 and a half. I mean I know my stuff is weird but jesus.
What even is this?
It's just a banner. Why did you do this?
Why you have to be mad - it's only game.
Usually clock day flash has something to do with clocks. This is just a weird banner thing drawn on paint, but nice stick figure man.
Thanks we all took turns drawing him
Goto a thread.
Seriously, go find a thread, and put your pictures in there or w/e.
I don't personally use the threads myself, but this gives me no excuse to upload mindless, useless stuff like this.
You even stated it isn't a flash..why bother?
Please people, use your brains, I'm sure you have them.
Maybe he's new to clock day, you should ask hi- oh you already did
Are you new to Clock Day?