i like the Style of your Flash
its a funny thang Boy =)
Keep goin on with this good work
(I'm starting the series over. And because I am not directly uploading to Youtube, I don't need to deal with crappy filesize limits and quality issues... Although, do expect Hypercam versions every now and again... I'm sorry I'm not too good at flash! I'm somewhat new! This is my first submission, please be nice!)
(I'm planning on not doing any dialogue for any of the new episodes. So I'm planning on putting a synopsis. Because movies without dialogue can be hard to follow sometimes.)
JellyBean (the red Jelly bean) goes out for a walk. As he's walking, he passed by Sky's (the blue Jelly bean, often wearing a pink bow) house. Sky has a bit of an unhealthy obsession with JellyBean, so she decided to join him on his walk. The two head down to the city, unaware that they are being watched. The look up at the skyline to see Muffin Man and Godzilla in a fight. Muffin Man, being the super hero, saves the day and slays the beast. Jellybean and Sky head over to greet the hero. The three start fantasizing over their futures. Jellybean wants to be Muffin Man's best friend. Muffin Man wants Doritos. And Sky... JellyBean. Muffin Man decides to go with them, and the three walk into the forest.
When the trio are into the forest, Olive reveals himself. The same character who was watching JellyBean and Sky earlier. Olive watches the three of them get deeper into the forest, then starts thinking up his evil plan to kill JellyBean (nobody knows why...yet.) Olive chases after them using his strange powers. He catches up to them and jumps out in front of them. Olive jumps through Muffin Man, and does...something...? He comes out from behind Muffin Man, and puts something in a black bottle. A red Muffin-esque insignia appears on the bottle. Before JellyBean, Sky, and Muffin Man could react, Olive already sunk into the shadows and disappeared. But there was no time for questions, Gozilla strikes back. Chasing after Olive would have to wait. Godzilla's head flies into the forest wearing a jetpack. Muffin Man flies after Godzilla, to save the day once again.
i like the Style of your Flash
its a funny thang Boy =)
Keep goin on with this good work
Not too bad
Great job conveying the storline without words. However, I would like sound affects, not just a music loop. Nice movie.
I'm actually planning on doing something with sound effects, rather than just music. But I'm still pretty new to flash, and I'm not quite sure on a faster way to check the sounds' synch other than clicking "Test Movie" and watching it all the way through...
That's why JellyBean's walk cycle is 'slightly' off beat...
Thanks for the reviews everyone. I was actually expecting terrible ratings because everything else here is so well made.
Nice one :)
It's pretty good! :D