Wtf is the fuss all about?
I stumbled upon this, looking for definately something else but noticing it's superb rating; I'm not going to diss the content issue, but 45 seconds or so of repeated frames with a shiny heart up the left hand side and a meagre "I love you" on the right alongside one of the poorest (Dear author why is there so much emphasis on such details in your comments, if you were aiming for perfection, how about submitting something more wholesome?) menus i've seen. It's cluttered and it's stupid due to the conflicting chibi furryness and the detailed animation of short clip. Two differing styles emulates a lacklustre and inconsistant submission however taking the time it was done in, into consideration I will commend you bonus points and I agree wholeheartedly with your observation on the flashes flaws. The futures bright anyhow, you seem to have a cult following.