That was awesome!! :P
Normally people avoid tornados. This guy makes one.
The full title is "Coo Coo Man Makes a Homemade Tornado." The title is self explanatory. Of course, hilarity ensues.
This took a good three months to make. Probably because I'm so inefficient with flash.
Of course, all music is copyright Nintendo.
EDIT: Cleaned up the audio, so now there is no background buzzing noise!
That was awesome!! :P
the animation was soso, but the tornado... awesomeness.
i wanna help with voices or music, pm me if i can.
the funniest video.
fuckin hilarious
but the real question is , does it work IRL ?
Great!Need help?
I lol'd alot.I like the concept it is really different from the others can't wait for more.
P:S If you need any help pm me it would make me happy :D
Thanks! I might take you up on that offer in the future.