If he didn't drown in tears, this would be the start of an awesome yaoi! ;D
Parody of Professor Layton Unwound Future, Also posted on my Deviant Art account: The-Wandering-Path
This is my first real "animated comic"
I'm not really sure what it is at this point.
If he didn't drown in tears, this would be the start of an awesome yaoi! ;D
I Like It
I like this comic thing but it's short and you really should add some music and voices to add more uniqueness to the animation itself because if you added those things I'm sure this will be much better but this is already okay so keep it up!
nice as a comic but
it was uploaded as a flash. you should have integrated an automatic play slide button.
I'm sorry I'm still new to flash could you tell me how to do that or direct me to a tutorial so I can learn how to do that?
Too short ç_ç
We've got really good stuff here!
I like its style. In fact, it's the first "animated comic" that I see. That makes eveything unique, and different from the other animations.
The drawings are really exquisite, seriously, they loks like the original ones.
Too bad that there is no audio. Maybe voice actors would improve its quality, but they aren't necessary. Maybe some background music would help, everything feels so quiet.
Ah, yes, I hope that you're going to do something more long.
Good luck!
Thanks so much!~
I worked hard to mimic the style and colors of the original. I'm still learning the program but I'll be sure to try sound next time!
Seriously had a shot
If you had voice over and a little soundtrack and not such an abbrupt ending, then this could've been so much better.
thanks for the feedback! I'll be sure to try harder on my next flash!