Peak old era gaming
Alright, finally up for Newgrounds guys, my apologies for the wait! Of course, the game has exclusive content but is fully unlocked just for the newgrounds community! Now if that doesn't deserve a perfect 5/5!
**First update within 3 minutes from release... I forgot a debugging button in the shop screen XD
You learned how to fly, but Icebergs stopped you and crushed your dreams. Get revenge!
Use the left/right arrows or A/D to steer, space bar to use boost, any key to activate special sleighs. (All controls can be customized in the option menu, with the possibility to use the mouse instead of the keyboard)
Peak old era gaming
This game helped me teach Penguins how to fly.
is so cool
One of The BEST Games in the early era in the internet at is peak! a true nostalga at the time !
my game crash dummy penguin drive break in 1fps