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The Revenge Part Two

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I little Animation I made for my physics class in university.

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This has nothing going for it. No sound, color or story. You can't tell what is suppose to be happening, at any point. This needed a lot more effort before you get anything higher then a 1.

ImNotCrying responds:

Hey man thanks for the review. I'm just a little confused about a few of your comments, though. First of all, this is a 'Ye Olde' style film, so that's why there isn't any sound. Second, you said there was no color either. I don't know what FILM you were watching, but last time I checked red was a color, and a primary one at that! Lastly, the story is actually very easy to understand, its about a young boy and his journey through life, learning from his experiences as he goes along and makin' friends as well. I won't spoil the ending for you because i'm not entirely sure you watched it.

Thanks for your comments, though.

Credits & Info

0.50 / 5.00

Jun 26, 2011
2:28 AM EDT