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The Forest Slayer

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he was warned of what lurked in the woods, he wouldnt listen, i uploaded this earlier but due to massive lag from the .swf i had to go back and change a bunch of things, so here it is again!

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Not bad...but could have been better

The story-line had a lot of potential, but it was lost with your choppy animation. But otherwise it was well told and certainly had a good fear factor and sent chills down my spine at a few moments of the flash. Well, that's all there is to say, keep it up :)

Good stuff

Just a few minor mistakes in your movies where sometimes on a tween you can see the picture outline or some of the side is white where theres no picture... none of which bothered me to dock your score. However i do like the story my only REAL gripe is your characters look to cartoony for the dark story your telling. Otherwise good stuff.

P.S. i only watched BECAUSE you killed the dog.


But, the animation could be a little smoother...

Also, I half expected the monster thing to be Nana (the pink Ice Climber)


Could use some better animation. I'm sure as you continue your flash path, it'll get better. You've got a nice idea here. I'm a little scared. Other than that, good job.

Not bad at all.

Aside from some static movements, I found this quite entertaining. I liked the story, though there was one part I didn't get. Aside from that It seemed pretty good. Kudos!

Credits & Info

4.29 / 5.00

Jun 21, 2011
1:19 PM EDT