not bad for a test
Okay the problem is fixed and the animation is up. For some reason Anime Studio couldn't create the file correctly so I just made it into a avi and then converted it into a swf.
So this is basically a sprite animation test and I actually had some fun making it, so I will make more in the future. I already have a few ideas on what to make but you'll just have to wait and see.
My website/blog where I make sprite comics,
Please not that this is not an ad for my site as I do plan on making more animations to upload here.
not bad for a test
i think the sound couldve been better, but i agree
good and bad
bad points:
no pause too short
no rewind not very good animation
no start button bad voices & sound
good points:
nice 3d
good sound effects
Keep up!
Nice start, but keep an eye on the sound, seems a little out of sync and mario's voice is crappy.
Good start.
Your sound sucked and your Mario sprite animation sucked, but I liked the 3d scrolling backgrounds. And some of the comics on your website would make pretty interesting flashes if you decided to go that way.