may i request cheats
We're proud to bring you a new castle defense game; Paldorian Defense! Protect your castle and fight off wave after wave of orcs, minotaurs, cobolds and dire bats. Collect gold and upgrade your bows, arrows, dexterity and castle doors. A very addicting defense game!
Aim : Hold left Mouse Button
Throw : Release left Mouse Butotn
SpaceBar General View
W,A,S,D to move.
Enjoy !
may i request cheats
Stop the zooming!!!
The game looks and sounds great.
The zooming kills it! When you shoot, the screen zooms in on that arrow and stops you from seeing and shooting at other enemies. The view is shaky and slow in zooming in and out, and it's disorienting and confusing. This completely ruined the game and overshadowed any good qualities it had.