great voice
Love the voice of the guy on the right. Good mic quality too. Good colors going on in this one too. Content-wise, maybe something either more coherent with plot or conversation flow in the next episode.
Tommy and Pete in their very first episode. They are 4 years old and a bit...different. Have fun and please give me some constructive criticism if you feel so.
If you don't understand something:
P: How you're doing?
T: Oh I'm fine, thanks.
P: know why we're here?
T: *Pfffbrlr* Don't have a clue ehm.
P: Okay, listen.
T: Ehm, maybe...
P: Just..just listen.
T: Okay.
P: Don't drop the words like you were a pigeon dropping his dung.
T: Okay, whatever.
P: Okay. We have to kill every living dolphin on the planet.
T: What? Why? I mean I like dolphins, they're..
P: They're much too intelligent. Hm. Dumb people will notice that and probably kill themselfes.
T: Okay.
P: See where this is going?
T: No.
P: If there's no more dumbness spreading in mankind, than there's no one left I can exploit for my
own benefit.
T: Okay.
P: It's a catastrophe.
T: But..but I think these people are aware of their..
P: Wanna buy some cherry flavoured bubble gum?
T: What?
P: Makes you 5 $.
T: Okay.
P: You're welcome.
great voice
Love the voice of the guy on the right. Good mic quality too. Good colors going on in this one too. Content-wise, maybe something either more coherent with plot or conversation flow in the next episode.
I'm working on this, thanks.
So cute. >w>
I love it because the drawings are adorable and I love how the kid on the left never understands what the other person is saying. xD
You're 0 points make sense than. xD
just not good
that was just not funny... it reminded me of when i was younger and playing with my action figures trying to put words into their mouths. I mean what your putting forth here can be made funny if it's done right, but this had no big kickers. It looked good and i enjoyed the background noise but maybe you should go back and watch some episodes of rugrats or something.
Seems like your action figures had some serious conversations man.
AKA the Tommy and Pete ep.1 submission in the obit
submitting something everyday until it passes is traditionally refereed to as spamming the portal, and although I have no advise for the people who read this post, I would like to ask that you stop it, at least wait a week, it is a waste of our time to have to judge the same thing over and over again.
I actually added a few things to improve it and don't noticed yet, that the file can be updated without making a new entry. I am new here, so forgive me not knowing every detail of the submission system.