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Overwatch RTS

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Overwatch is like a cross beetween COD4, X-COM and Starcraft,
it's not really an RTS because it is more tactical than strategic.

Make sure you try the multiplayer, this is mainly a multiplayer game.

-Some people are having trouble placing C4. It takes a couple seconds to be planted, if you move the engineer while planting C4 it will cancel.
-Use SHIFT, the game is impossible if you dont.
-Engineer placed turrets need a soldier to work. Place a soldier right next to a turret and it will start shooting.

version 0.123: 4 player map is back. Fixed some bugs in the global chat (hopefully)

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After loading, "uploads.ungrouded.net" requests to store files on the pc (I used the Newgrounds Player to launch the game) and I cannot do anything else after that. Can't give permission nor deny it, the game basically freezes.

it good

Used to play this game back in 2011, as a little kid and it was one of the great RTS games i've ever played back then. It's sad that games like these are dying out.

Really like the game, but those buttons don't want to be clicked on.


Credits & Info

4.14 / 5.00

Jun 10, 2011
10:08 AM EDT
  • Daily 4th Place June 11, 2011