I really like the graphics and it is a fun concept. However I do agree with the emo kid that the controls kind of wreck it. What do I mean by that? Well I will tell you. There is too much drift in the bats movement. Attempting to correct this tends to overcompensate sending you flying into a wall or some other object. Drift. It sucks. Furthermore you don't explain why the red bulb kills us, although it is a reasonable leap of logic that anything new in a level could be deadly. You also need to remember we are a bat with a lightbulb for a head, why should we think a red bulb would be dangerous? Maybe consider just putting in a small help area in the menu that lists good and bad things? Or just saying in your tutorial level that everything other than the lightning and the switch will kill you. Also I am not a fan of the one hit death, in games like this it seems almost silly. Then again we do play a bat with a lightbulb for a head.
Overall okish. Take some time and work on the controls mainly. Keep up the good work though because it really doesn't suck. 3/5 6/10