good fun, it's funny how little you need to pick the car, like a square of red metal equals alfa!
Use the mouse to play. Don't forget to post your scores, love to see how well people do.
good fun, it's funny how little you need to pick the car, like a square of red metal equals alfa!
I got 4290
I agree with bildo8, though, once you find the square that hides the badge it all becomes far too easy. I recommend greying it out, to make it harder.
Nice quiz
I only got 3690. I wasn't quite sure about which BMW the M5 was, and I also accidentally clicked on the wrong one a couple times lol. Overall this was pretty cool. It was really easy for anyone who knows their cars. For someone else, I can see how this would be hard.
Not bad
Interesting little quiz.
Pretty fun
The only problem I see would be that you are able to click once and reveal the emblem of the make of the vehicle and when there is only one option for a BMW it's pretty simple. Other than that it's solid and I enjoyed it.