What the hell?
You couldn't have done a better job. JK. It's weird, but funny man.
i made this movie as a revision of one that got blamed. i made a replay button and added a bit to the film making the word "insanity" make more sense. enjoy!
What the hell?
You couldn't have done a better job. JK. It's weird, but funny man.
What in the hell does it mean
Best damn video that doesn't mean anything
it means "INSANITY!!"
don't really get this, but for your first short, great!
i was aiming for a poor man who walks into a world of insanity and ends up going mad because of how bizarre it is. and the skull takes pleasure in the "insanity" he has caused. im making another one called the reaper of insanity. i hope that will be better.
try harder
please put more effort in to your work
it was kind of weird and it was to short
well, this is my first upload to newgrounds and i was aiming for the weird essence. i plan on making bigger and better movies and one is in progress now.