in the beginning with the note that the Lego guy read, writing it with a moderately thin Sharpie would've worked and I see that because of the camera quality that you had to actually go in Flash and re-write the text with the brush tool. it doesn't look good. some of ti was downright illegible
yep, the song you chose isn't very suiting to a fight scene. i understand you have limited resources and all, but no music would've been better. also you can just get your music off YouTube or download music from the Audio Portal. look up "show no tears" by NemesisTheory. it's really good for that kind of scene and it sounds awesome to boot
i can see some marginal improvement in episodes 3 and 4. mainly because you used a computer to overlay text instead of writing it yourself and ripping it out and holding it manually. i'm glad you fixed this, especially since in my first paragraph i covered the illegibility issue
first episodes are probably one of the most important episodes of any show - they attract an audience and a potential demographic and if it's poorly done then you'll have to rely on somebody finding a later, better episode and that can really be bad since the plot will appear very disoriented. usually first episodes contain an organized setup of the protagonists that the show will center on for the next 9 parts.
even with limited equipment, tbh this could've been executed better. i can understand starting late in the story and then it evolving into a bigger storyline with more tension and characters that have depth
i think that's what you were going for here, but when it hit the credits it felt very disorienting and jumbling. i know you can't fix this since you already did this almost three years ago but i'll still cover this topic in case you ever decide to make another series or for whatever reason.
overall, this was disorienting and sub-par for a first episode, but this doesn't deserve a 1.47. good luck on your future endeavors