Ginobi all the way bro
Spring = bunnies and NBA playoffs. The only game that combines the two is here. Pick your favorite NBA player's alter ego bunny and go for the championship ( gotta win 4 to win it all )
Ginobi all the way bro
Lakers all the way
10/10 just for the fact you were smart enough to place two Lakers guys in the semis and the finals.
Good job.
second that
3 pointers and some other things, even power-ups would improve it, but it's already a good game. The tournament can get pretty intense. I had a few last second shot losses. Bunnyes look cool and it's pretty polished.
its good, but could be improved..
maybe get more points for the ball going in without touching the rim? points for distance/height of shots etc? just to spice it up a bit more
very nice
LeBunny is funny and Pierce beat my ass. How about using the practice mode with that aiming line to make it easier. Good job overall though.