Blew my mind!
The first episode of my new series HTWISI: HIstory The Way I See It.
In the first one, I take a look at the events leading up to, and during, World War 1.
I've been working on this thing for a while, and it is pretty much my first serious flash. I hope to start making more along this series, so be sure to leave suggestions and constructive crtisism!
Blew my mind!
this was a good idea, but the voices and the presentation were a little shitty. If this was to be remade with a funnier voice/narration, it would be an absolute winner
Thanks for the tip. As i said, i've been working on it for a while, and i recorded the voice for it like 2 years ago. I'll probably update the voice file and resubmit it when i have the time :D
Oh yeah
Love me some talking head animations.