I was really hyped for the Gears of War 3 Beta and after playing it for about an hour I had to make this...
This game just has way too much testosterone... I mean... Having a manly game is one thing, but Gears of War 3 is just overboard.
Yesh... I know the other GoW games were like this... I just made this for the lulz, ok?
I'm guessing you were one of the unfortunate few who kept getting downed and tea-bagged huh? I hadn't played Gears in YEARS, and when i got my hands on the beta, I, of course, kept dying. but i think this flash doesn't really catch GoW 3 in its entirety.
Havent played GoW beta
But animation alright. A bit short, but oh well. I think you capture the GoW games well lol
Great movie, but it should have been longer.
Ha that was pretty funny
I liked the "alright time to play some GEARS OF WAR 3 BETA AHHHHHHHHH" the animation was a little short though