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Pook Sweeper

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Pook Sweep is similar to MineSweeper. Your goal is to NOT pick the Pookies (Mines) hidden under the squares. When you click certain squares you will get numbers that show you how many Pookies (Mines) are around that cell.

Click the squares to see what is hidden under them.

Put FLAGS where you think could be a mine hidden pressing SPACE while you click the cell, you can remove them the same way.

There are three levels, each one varies the number of mines hidden.

Once you obtain your points submit your score! but dont close the POP-UP Window or your points won't be submitted. Try to be the number one of the World!!

Pook Sweep es similar al BuscaMinas. Tu mision es NO pinchar en los Pookies (Minas) escondidos bajo los cuadros, cuando haces click en algunos cuadros conseguiras unos numeros que te muestran cuantos Pookies (Minas) estan alrededor de esa casilla.

Haz click en los cuadros para ver lo que se esconde bajo ellos

Pon BANDERAS donde crees que hay una mina escondida presionando ESPACIO mientras haces click en la casilla, puedes quitar las banderas del mismo modo.

Hay tres niveles, cada uno varia en el numero de minas escondidas.

Una vez que obtengas tus puntos mandalos! pulsando SEND en la pantalla que te pide el nombre, pero no cierres la ventana que se abrira o tus untos no seran enviados. Intenta ser el numero uno del mundo!!

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Unoriginal, but alright.

All it is is a renamed game of minesweeper. It's a decent game, but very short, seeing as though each mode only grants you one level of gameplay, which really calls the need of a high-score board into question.

It shows effort, but it isn't a very good game.

mordaza responds:

Hi, and thanks for commenting, sorry about the Hi-Scoring, it has been down for a couple of days but its up and running again and yes I know it doesnt offer moe than one level with each difficulty but its mine sweeper and as you know its always random so it offers unlimited numbers of levels as standard mine sweeper offers and has been offering for many years =). Also Im glad you see my effort there, much appreciated =)

Credits & Info

2.50 / 5.00

Apr 23, 2011
9:47 PM EDT