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Ben 10 brick breaker

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Ummmm so heres my first game for my little brother and yes I know that it sucks but Im still trying out flash and hopefully later on I can make a sequel.

Kind regards psp161

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Not bad, it's kind of like some of the old ATARI games. Graphics are simple but fairly smooth; could've use some sort of sound effects or some sort of music. But all in all, I did enjoy it and was a bit of a challenge in some parts. My only real problem with this game was that I couldn't even see the rock/projectile most of the time, which made it a little more difficult to play it. Other than all of that, it's a nice time-waster (a lot better than most "professionally made" time-wasting app games out there)!

P.S. I know this is the creator's first game and I could nit-pick every little thing like some reviewers out there; but this game and the creator both have potential and it 1,000 times better than anything I can ever make. Please keep on being you, psp161!

psp161 responds:

Hey, I just logged on here after 6 years of unuse and saw your comment - how kind of you to leave such a positive review! Unfortunately I've decided to leave game-making to people more experienced, but this game is, and likely only ever will be, the only game I have ever made. So thank you for the words of encouragement :). 14 year old me would be ecstatic to hear that somebody enjoyed what he made.

A ben ten brick breaker, thats stupet the ball keeps geting stuck,there's no sound,nothing that is ben ten relatid and wend you lose you are sad bud evryone is happy thats f****ing ophul.


your a poorly photo shopped humungasour mashing a ball with a white box around it hitting brown blocks with the characters behind it and im sure if alot of ben 10 fans saw this it would be even more poorly rated.it might be your first game but its very very boring

psp161 responds:

Sorry I know that it sucks bad but maybe you havent tried the other levels yet. Hope my next flash isnt so bad.


Excuse me more the game is horrible and with several bug.

psp161 responds:

Sorry will try to fix

Credits & Info

1.84 / 5.00

Apr 22, 2011
2:26 AM EDT