THC, what makes you high, can cause brain damage and memory loss with prolonged use. In addition Smoking anything causes damage to the lungs and cells to be harmed. Marijuana's smoke is very similar to tobaco, as far as how much it hurts you lungs and body over all. so if you smoke as much weed as a "average" smoker does tabaco, your just as fucked or slightly more since your brain will be heavily damaged as well. Now it's illegal for more than one reason, I don't know them all but here goes. 1: it is a, albeit mild, halucinagen. Meaning it can cause you cause you to see things that are not there and can disrupt your perception of reality. ALTHOUGH, this only happens with extreme use. 2: Family guy is partly right. Weed was smeared by a paper company. But it was also rejected by "polite" society, around the same time as prohibition of alcohol. And alcohol is a damned old tradition, one people like to keep. So prohibition was lifted and people drank, instead of bothering with smoking. 3: A small amount of pot can impair your 3d perception far more than alcohol. Making a high driver just as dangerous as a buzzed, via drinking, driver. That's most of the reasons I've recalled about the legality. Now as to why most people don't like it. 1: Weed smells terrible, and weed smoke smells worse than tabaco. 2: No, you can't act normal when you are high. You think you can, the same way a drunk person thinks they act normal. Your actions will be slightly delayed and you speech will approach that of slurring. 3: You will not be able to function with out it. I've seen too many friends who started with a bit of pot and then they do nothing but smoke. It starts with getting high at work, then ends with your coworkers and boss getting tired of your shit. I've met a total of two fully functional pot smokers who can smoke a little, go to work, not be a burden, and not annoy anybody. I've met twenty other people that smoke while at work, they get fired a lot or never get a job with any responsibility and thus crap pay. Lastly, marijuana can in no way shape or form, cure cancer. The reaction of THC and two other chemicals in marijuana can surpress some tumors, that is it. Cancer is still in the bodies system. The "medical" usage of pot is slim and is nothing but a cheap pain killer. That is all. It's "medical" use is the same as it's social use, it takes the physical pain away for a short time.
I used to Smoke Marijuana, for two years. I spent a lot of money and wasted a lot of time doing nothing but smoking pot. If you wanna lock yourself in a room and get high off of your ass, go ahead. But stay the hell out of the world while your messed up. Nobody like to deal with a high person. Be it in line for something, interactions for goods, of avoiding them on the road. I suggest any body that does smoke to record themselves and watch the footage at a point when they are sober. What you think your doing and what you are doing are going to be a bit different.
0 stars for sudo intellectual garbage. 1 star for attempting to draw.