Sorry man...
the second one was much funnier than this one... .____.
so I gave it 4/5.
Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to watch this. Its pretty long compared to the other 2.
Its been a long time since I uploaded anything here. I was working on and off this thing last summer and sorta out it on a one year hiatus LOL. Since I had been taking animation classes, I've been getting sick of animation and never wanted to work on this. One day I decided to just finish it up and get it uploaded.
Like the first 2, its just a bunch of random scenes of me and my friends. Some are inside jokes and a few parodies~ Some characters also make guest appearances as well.
All of the sound effects I used I've had on my computer for years and forgot where I got them from... I haven't made any flashes for fun in forever.
OH YEAH I'm colorblind, and apparently I found out a few people might be green.. so don't mind that :x Or if you see any purple skies, brown grass, orange trees.. etc....
WELL not much else to say~ Enjoy and thanks for watching :D
Sorry man...
the second one was much funnier than this one... .____.
so I gave it 4/5.
very entertaining! and i like your animation skil- keep doing what you love
that purty awesome yoshi. wish you could more in the future...but well, you're always busy
still like it though~ ^^
hahaha halrious good job
It's well put, but...
Animations were okay. I was watching carefully at the part where they were singing about big girls that they are beautiful, and the animation was a bit off sync with the music. Maybe some more background music would've been nice unless you didn't want to use so much copyrighted music. Some parts could've used some more dialogue to add a little bit more comedy and liveliness in the people. Maybe have some more voice actors instead of three? Multiple characters, but not enough voice actors, that's all I'm saying. I definitely liked the part where Pat was changing clothes the way Sailor Moon does it. Overall, it just needs some improvement, and keep up the good work. :3