Agora sim...
Agora está legal!
Fez o jogo em inglês e ainda desenhou as próprias sprites!
Parabéns, daqui a pouco você alcança seu potencial!
jogo em fase de teste. em breve atualizações.
Agora sim...
Agora está legal!
Fez o jogo em inglês e ainda desenhou as próprias sprites!
Parabéns, daqui a pouco você alcança seu potencial!
good first...
if this is one of you first games posted on newgrounds or other sites its good. you definitely have a while to go before u make something big.
yeah... this game is not final version. but thanks to coments.
Doesn't control right
Can't change the direction of the ball no matter how you hit it, it seems to only follow 45 degree angles. Kinda takes out any factor of skill.
yeah... i know.. i will make the changes soon. i am new here. thanks for comments
coool but.......
The quality in game is not very good i would improve on that.
thanks for playing
well dude (u r a dude, right?) this is like all the arkanoid rip off, or similar... well and its somewhat simple, some music, and the movement of the ball, when it always bounces on the same angle, u should fix it.
yah.. i am dude. XD. thanks for playing