F-blasted by a GORILLA?!?
Ha! can't stop laughing at that. Are the next eps. that funny? please tell!!!!!
DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! Finally! Thank you Tom Fulp for raising the upload limit for me! I thank you! You are a hero Tom Fulp! Creator of this amazing website! Finally. After months of not working on it. Because I was thinking what will happen next. But I figured it out. What is it? It's a SECRET! Mwa hahahahaha! Sorry about the large file size. :/ anyways if 2 of my series is complete. My dreams really come true... If only school wasn't on until 2 months of vacation plus 3 months equals 5 months of vacation. Anyways IF YOU THINK IT'S SMBZ RIP-OFF. THEN DON'T REVIEW NOR VOTE. I tried to not make it SMBZ-rip-off/copy. By removing new forms, custom enemies, bombs, and other things that are in episode 8 of SMBZ.. I am terribly sorry if you think it is.. RUNS AT 24 FPS! MAKE SURE TO NOT ASK! If there is any sprites that are not credited tell me, I am very sorry to those.
F-blasted by a GORILLA?!?
Ha! can't stop laughing at that. Are the next eps. that funny? please tell!!!!!
Great work!
Keep making videos and keep using my beats!
OMG! You? Man, what are you reviewing here? So nice of you, I'll use your audio though. Thanks!
This is so awesome
cant wait for ep. 4 and cool storyline. i wonder whats going to happen
it is about time
cant wait for 4.
(EDIT): The series' next episode will be out soon, just not sure what project to begin with.
it's ok at best.....
and the point of a REVIEW is
1. to let other users know how good/bad the flash was and....
2 and most important. to let the author know where he did good and/or where he needs work. take the hints and improve ur shit...in other words.
well, okay fine... As long as I continue it...