TLDR: A normal maze game, except the last level which is pretty much a BS boss fight.
I don't normally leave a review unless i actually finish a game. But this... this is ridiculous. I only have a couple minor complaints through out most of the game, the time makes part of the maze difficult to see on some levels, levels 26-29 are a little difficult to just get my eyes to look at because of the gradient in the background, with 29 having the added downfall of almost not being able to see my little blue square around the edges. Otherwise, simple maze game, hard to go wrong with. But you did, right in the last level. It was just... awful. It wasn't TOO bad until I got to the part with Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green flying around, which in itself wouldn't have been too bad, but then you add in the Darkstar guy and it gets extra trash. I can follow the crystals but when i make the go for a gap and it looks like it's warning me that he's about to come in but i just get sent back. Then there's the abilities that I just can't dodge because I'm in a friggin maze and no matter how far i get it doesn't matter if a random star thing just knocks me back to the checkpoint. Like, you realize games are supposed to be fun... right? Sorry if i got personal or immature or anything, but that last level was seriously frustrating and unfun.