Silly and confusing
The major problem with this flash lies in the translation. Without being able to understand the conversation clearly the audience becomes lost quite easily. You admitted that I might have to watch the flash a few times to get it all. So too, did I watch the movie several times and still I did not get everything.
I realize that when translating different languages that one language might have a word that another language has no definition for. Given this, some things get lost in translation. Although I think the two big problems here lie in spelling and grammar.
Spelling isn't too bad. Just a few words. "whit" should be 'with' , "amm" and "aaa" and "eee" should be 'umm' and 'ahhh' and 'ehhh' (adjust length for emphasis obviously) More than spelling; which is still very important, many sentences were structured poorly. Examples would be: "Yeah! what is for me" "What he can won my friendly friend" and "How read it is GAY"... These should be "Yeah! what is in it for me" "What can he win, my friendly friend" and "If you read this you are GAY" (I think that's what you were going for with that last one.)
Then there are sentences that are just missing one or two words. "I have lost many important items in many far places and I need you to search 'for' them". (Unless you meant "search those places" then it could be left as is, but I think you could have made that more clear.)
Also, there are sentences that confuse the fuck out of me. "Shoes? my nike shocks" or "Ohh my lleva" As many times as I've gone back through this movie I still don't know what that's supposed to me. A translator I finally used said that the words "lleva" and "Pelotas" meant "leads" and "balls" respectively. Is that correct? Which brings me to another point, you didn't translate everything.
I'm guessing that you translated and typed what was being said as it was said. When translating it is important to remember that the audience that listens and the audience that reads the subtitles have different grammars to work with. When someone says "amm" you shouldn't put "amm" in the subtitles. Instead you use "umm". It isn't difficult to discern something like that, but having to do so disrupts the flow of reading and sets people off track. Even if it's the same language, i.e. something I've read on this site, I've taken a minute or so to read ten words because the spelling and grammar were so poor. So take extra special care when translating, k? If you don't think you did a great job ask for help. (Not me. I don't know Spanish.)
Wow, ok. The animation was a fun, laid-back style. The movement was detailed enough to work with the expression in the dialogue. Some things I thought were a tad lazy like spraying the bug thing. That effect could have been done better. Nothing was too awful to be dead weight, as far as this cartoon goes anyway.
Sound was just as good. I don't have any real complaints here. I thought the actors played their parts well enough. I reiterate, silly. The only problem I saw here was the button pushing and sound effects didn't sync up. The sound effect would play just before the button was pushed. I didn't really care for what little music was present in the movie, but it worked where it was used.
This is, or at least is supposed to be, a funny cartoon. So when I say the story has a flimsy plot at best, that is to be expected. I don't expect much in the way of story when I watch a comedy. There wasn't much here, but I wasn't disappointed. What I do like story-wise is that Fucking Black seems to know what is going on, even outside of the cartoon, and Dash is an ignorant goofball. That makes for fun character interaction.
Overall, the content wasn't half bad. Once more I say, silly. Can't say as I like the use of "fucking black", but as you say it's the character's name I'll let it slide. It isn't technically racist, I think, but you're still on thin ice because of it.
Running out of characters, so I'll PM you if I think of anything else. Likewise PM me if you have more questions.