It's not to soon to call the original PlayStation classic is it?
Didn't think so.
Overall, I'm pretty happy how it turned out...I'm getting better acquainted with the new motion tweens and as3 buttons. :D
It's not to soon to call the original PlayStation classic is it?
Didn't think so.
Haven't heard that
Sounds in a while, I don't think anyone has a working ps1 anymore though.
Classic, almost original, stereo. But it was short and sweet.
Thanks! It was really mostly just something small to start making stuff again :D
not a movie
doubtful people just wanna see your logo, next time put it in front of a movie
Thanks, DeadDoorNail, you're right. It's not meant to be an entire huge production, it was just a short experiment I thought I'd share...
JUMPING JACK FLASH ITS A GAS! GAS! GAS! lol..that was the first "game" I played on it...though it was on the demo disc that came with the system if I remember correctly.