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Treasures of Mer Dalamon

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This game contains no help at all. If you set out, you're on your own. Starting with a simple riddle, the enigmas become more interesting (and harder) as you go on. Part of the game is figuring out what to do, so if you have no idea what the puzzle actually is or it doesn't work as you'd expect, don't panic.

The game is a tribute to the atmosphere of Ultima Online and was used as a contest for players on a UO freeshard Endor. I translated it to English so Newgrounders could tease their brains as well.

This is my first serious Flash project and even though it doesn't show much in the beginning, it will unfold, if you're patient. Have fun!

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Man, how does this only have 5000 views? Love this!

I love Ultima Online.

This brings back memories of my UO playing days. Riddles are quite tricky but that's what makes it fun.

Calluin responds:

I'm glad I managed to maintain the spirit of UO. Thanks!

Well, the game is original

I do like the originality and logic used in this game, and I also very much like how it is not just mindless violence, but makes you think to win. It has great graphics and an expansive storyline. I do not see anything wrong with it, and I have not had the pleasure to say that in quite a while, especially with the game jam crapping out mounds of mediocre games. I truly congratulate you for this perfect, riddling, and interesting game, and wish to thank you for donating this to the world. I do recognize and respect that instead of putting a violent action packed game to Newgrounds, you put something that might not appeal to the general public with the attention span of a gnat.

Calluin responds:

Thank you, much appreciated. Best luck with the puzzles!

ok, pretty good game indeed

This is going to be a looong time playing this game, the grafics and sound is prettu good, I reached the third puzzle but I am tired with the caleidoscope right now, I found the first point in it, but with the "ogre grim" uh... well, I'll take a tea and continue with it, is not easy to understand the "clues" but is really good the way you did this game, yes, you have a fan here (I past all myst games aswell all you need is thinks slowly and it can be solved).
Also the story is really good aswell, a great 5 and a big 10 for this great game (thumbs up) (^^.)

Calluin responds:

Thank you! Never give up! :-)

While I like the look of the game...

I'm afraid that this game and it's puzzles just don't make sense. I know it's supposed to be set out like a giant RPG/puzzler, but there is no real grasp or clues to help you figure out a single point of where you need to go. I'm sorry but because it was impossible for me to even pass the second puzzle (and I've cleared Myst, so I can definitely say I do know how to play puzzle games) and because of that I had to downgrade you.

Please next time, make a RPG that actually can be played properly. Even ultima online was better.

Calluin responds:

This game has no ambition to be a giant puzzler like Myst or an RPG. It is just a linear series of little puzzles. And they DO make sense, there are people who have solved them, so they CAN be figured out. The point is not to give clues, but let the player figure out the pattern, how it works, experiment, test ideas, just like in real life. Nevertheless, thanks for the opinion.

Credits & Info

4.47 / 5.00

Feb 25, 2011
11:03 AM EST