Troll Game is awesome!
I read the comic before watching the animations which made it even more amazing to look at. Seriously though, Troll Game is the best webcomic I've ever read and I can't wait for the next chapter to come out. Well done!
Made this over 2 weeks, tried out this sketchy looking style that i enjoy, i think it works pretty well.
In the OP i tried my hand at typographic-style animation....i forgot how much i hated tweening though, won't be doing anything like that again.
So yeah, these animations really tell you nothing about the actual story in the tROLL gAME comic... but seriously it's awesome, go read it!
Troll Game is awesome!
I read the comic before watching the animations which made it even more amazing to look at. Seriously though, Troll Game is the best webcomic I've ever read and I can't wait for the next chapter to come out. Well done!
aww hell naw
The Ma$e was what we need nowadayz! It feels fresh, defiantly something i want to achieve!
i like
how its a black persone song with all white carecters.
Can you do chapter 8 already?
I want to read more; I have come up with a few guesses as to how the Troll Game will end ad I want to know if I'm right...
Kinda odd
So hitler was a player?
Eva Braun was hot.