During their Halloween adventure the boys (Dressed as Frankenstein's Monster and a Mummy) were the main bad guy's in that game. But the dog in this Valentine's day adventure was worse than them by nearly ruining the gifts (the teddy bear was Lilith's gift to Emma and the treat (I am calling it that because I don't know the name of the treat) that Emma and possibly her Mum baked was Emma's gift to Lilith) both times Lilith ability to fly save the day, which only makes me wonder what her other abilities are because all of the times Lilith flew it looked liked she grew bat wings instead of turning into a bat. Lilith is a character who from her first appearance has made me think about her backstory purely based on her actions in the games she has appeared in which are the Halloween adventure companion games and the Valentine's day adventure companion games (only games I have played that she has appeared in, don't know if she has appeared in other games). I want her to get more friends she so she can play with others if Emma has to be somewhere else. Lilith is such a cute vampire girl who wouldn't want to be her friend. Love the games, they are very fun and addicting to play, I hope you get around to make more.