I cant read half of what is in front of me, sorry but the text is to faded for me to get past 2 questions.
Think you've seen a lot of batman movies? Did you enjoy the Dark Knight? If so take this quiz to find out just how much you were paying attention to Heath Ledger and Christian Bale
Match the questions the answers. try to get through 10 questions without too many mistakes
I cant read half of what is in front of me, sorry but the text is to faded for me to get past 2 questions.
it has a real chance to be great
I just have a few things to say about this quiz game you made. First off, the music is good and it fits with the quiz, but i don't remember it from the movie and it gets old hearing it over and over again in loop like this. The quiz was a little to hard for me, mostly because it a had a lot of questions about the actors (witch is fine and i expected it to) when the tital and your comment makes me believe that its a quiz about movie moments rather then actors. I also think the lives thing should not be there. Instead you should make the scoring work by getting a question right to get points and losing points if you get it wrong. If you like having the lives then you should have it were if i get one question right i get a life or every 3 questions if you think that sounds more far. I also think that instead of having a timer counting up, you should have one counting down on every question, maybe 10 or 15 sec. Then you add the left over time to the total score of the player (or test takers or what ever you want to call them). Now the last thing i want to say is that i was little disappointed that the background has nothing to do with batman or with the movie "the dark knight". it would have been cool if you had still pictures of moments from the movie. Over all it was fun but frustrating. I say take what i wrought here into thought and give it another shot. Keep trying dude :)
the music isnt from the movie and neither is the background due to copyright.
as for the timer is does what you suggest. the score is based on how many seconds you have left starting from 100, I guess I did go the long way round by having the timer go up and do the calculations at the end.
thanks for playing