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Mario vs DS Sonic Preview

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Author Comments

Please vote, and write a review, im gonna continue with this
cause i like to make sprite animations and i wanna know
what the people think about it.
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(EDIT 06/02/11 ):
Watch It On Youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=iuN8n2CWwFQ

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darkspine sonic is my favorite sonic form

good job!!! i cant wait to see the actual show!!!

i give u a 10/10.


the ending was pretty off because we dont know who won but still good

polorichy responds:

Thanks but, every project fails :(

Good start

This is a good idea you have here, but there are some defintant places you can work on.

-I would pick backgrounds that fit your characters. A large amount of the time i couldn't help but think the characters were way to large for the mario scene you used.

-An ending. It literally just cut off. Next time put a real ending and maybe some credits with a replay button.

Other then those its pretty good looking forward to what else you come out with.

polorichy responds:

Ok, First Thanks For The Review, And Second The Characters Are Big? Or What Do You Mean?
And Third, Sorry For The Fast Cut Off, But Until There It Ends My Work


I enjoyed watching this. I just wish you had made it longer so we can see who wins. The sprite animation as well done and it flowed smoothly while watching it.

polorichy responds:

Thanks, It´s Just a Preview, So That´s Why Is Short

Credits & Info

3.65 / 5.00

Feb 2, 2011
9:51 PM EST