zzZZzzZZZzZZzZZZZzzZZZzzZZZZZz (sLeePy) -pop-! what! MATH class i HATE math CLASS
Click on the colors at the bottom to select colours and draw them on the canvas to work along with Khan.
zzZZzzZZZzZZzZZZZzzZZZzzZZZZZz (sLeePy) -pop-! what! MATH class i HATE math CLASS
I applaud you, my good sir.
You have impressed me by replying/responding to almost every comment prior to mine. TurnUp, this is an algebraic method. Your Calculus class will not really go into this because you should have already learned it. There are no variables or functions which means there is no need for absolute values. This equation is both written and solved correctly regardless of your suspicions.
AnteMax, continue working on this. I think if put in the right environment this could become an invaluable learning tool. The ability to work ahead or follow along with the format you chose, customizable and stylish, makes it fun to learn. There is a lot more work to do on this though. You need to put in a pause function, and will definitely need more equations/problems when you go full scale. Over all though, like I said earlier, I am extremely impressed.
Thanks for the support JoeDan. I'm actually thinking about which subjects to focus on next. I have a wealth of Creative Commons videos from Khan Academy and I'm looking to overlay sort of a question system on top.
But I think it's important that give something that the Newgrounds community can use, either to help their programming or maybe just some AP level coursework. Trig comes to mind, and Calculus is slightly higher level also. These developmental Math lessons are good thought fodder though and I think helps everyone THINK in a more mathematical way.
Anyway, definitely open to suggestions.
I will admit that this is great in a classroom...
but i am very sure this will be blammed here on Newgrounds. not many people will appreciate this.
That's cool MegaMan. I actually did this as an experiment. If you are a teacher, I'd love to hear how we could build on this for practical use.
Education... on my Newgrounds?!
The Good:
+I like the idea of being able to draw while the work is done out in front of you, but it doesn't really seem very useful in practice.
+Very well explained! You should be a teacher, if you aren't already. Definitely talented work.
The Bad:
-Could've been a little longer, perhaps exploring different math lessons. Some sort of a menu would be cool if you ever expand on this idea.
Verdict: 4/5
Haha, thanks for the well-thought comments. That's actually my buddy Sal from the Khan Academy doing his thing. We're just looking for ways to make his lessons more of a game, or at least something you can toy around wiht.
seriously What The Fuck?