This is a cool game. The Color Guy were very Cute.
When you click on a smilie, all the smilies that are connected to this smilie by the same color will be destroyed. If you want to remove a single smilie, you must use a helper. If you want to add a helper, you have to destroy 55 smilies at once. The game ends when you run out of helper and you can no longer destroy smilies by groups.
This is a cool game. The Color Guy were very Cute.
Semi entertaining.
It's hard to pull off games like these just because there are so many of them.
I played for roughly 20 minutes and then got a bit tired off it. But for the time I played it, I did enjoy it.
Other than that it's really not that bad. The facial expressions are cute and who doesn't like popping noises? (Bubble wrap game is a top seller for apps! :P) I'd also like an option to keep sfx on but music off.
Worth a play. Type of game you play to waste a few minutes or for those puzzled solvers: a game where you can plot out all your moves.
Simple concept. Sorta like bejeweled, but its very simple but almost impossible to truly master. But I have played another version of this idea many times. I didnt have a problem with it, it just gets reppetitive. The music is forgettable and there isnt much variety, I wouldnt ussualy play it everyday but it did bring entertainment. You should try another idea. But I did smile with the smilies of course.
This is a nice game and all, but when you think about it, is this really fun, is this enjoyable, for me it was a little bit "fun" but only a little. So I think this game deserves a rating of 5...
I mean compared to the other new games this isn't really great.
No offence or anything.