Not bad
Wish there was a single player version tho! Where you fight CPU bots and maybe have a level series
Hi guys, this is a sneak peak of a game that we are working on. If you leave some feedback, you might see your idea in the final game!
Not bad
Wish there was a single player version tho! Where you fight CPU bots and maybe have a level series
Good Idea, but the game doesn't work.
There is a huge flaw. When you play with two players, Ctrl + the letters brings up unwanted shortcuts. I was playing two player, and it kept bringing up add to favourites, and sometimes closing the whole browser. Figure out a better system for two player, maybe with the mouse.
Its pretty good
Not bad got some good ideas and overall a good-looking game
Pretty nice game
I like the concept and I liked the bomb-dropping. I'd like to see more of it, though. It reminds me in a way of Bomberman 64, which had a lot of small maps which would eventually start shrinking in different ways (one map flooded with water, one had the walls close in slowly, etc) and I think this game could be pretty good if it just had some more ideas put into it. Still, I can see that you're "working on it", so I guess there's no point in complaining.
For something to include in the game, more powerups would add a more tactical element to it than just "run into each other and dodge bombs". For example, one-time powerups that make you hit harder for a couple seconds before weakening you for a couple seconds would add some much-needed complexity.
Walls that slide out of and back into the ground would provide defenses while not being overpowered.
If you made a map full of sliding walls, you could have a map that would require much more strategy. If you made a small map where the walls gradually start crumbling when hit and thus create holes in the terrain, you could create a dynamic where players have to either break the walls and sacrifice their own defences or keep their defenses but make killing the opponent harder.
Maps that slowly shrink from the outside rather than being broken randomly would add diversity. These are just a few ideas off the top of my head, but this game could be pretty good. It just needs more stuff.
Cool multiplayer concept
Really like the idea. Maybe more varied maps and/or more visually intuitive power-ups in the final version but as far as gameplay goes it already looks great.
Either a AI versus mode, 'story' mode, or a way to connect to other players online would probably be a good idea though.