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Ryu Vs Kyo

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Man, this sure took a long time to do because i had a lot of work to do in school but i have gotten back on track. this is a premo for all the future animations I have coming soon. To look at one of the animations i have coming up view my user page. Oh and don't worry dude, I have a new technique that will help me flash animations in 3 weeks or less.
Behold a new animator to the sprite world.

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Kyo(Capcom Vs Snk 2) VS Ryu (3rd Strike)

Great try keep it up

Your getting there and make sure to ask for advice when release a flash or ask one of the major newgronds animators for some tips. Also listen to the coments they will guide you to the path of animation awesomeness. LOL.


Maybe in the future Dan vs Kyo? LOL

Not bad, but there is room for improvement.

I will repeat and perhaps clarify a few tips given by others while adding my own.

1.) As Tech stated, sprite alignment is an issue. The process of making your previous images visible is called "onion skinning" and there are a myriad of tutorials available online if you want a quick explanation of the process. When onion skinning character sprites, it's usually a good idea to pay special attention to the feet. The feet, waist, and head are your most common "anchor points" (I don't have a better description for it).

I wouldn't recommend the outline method unless your sprites were already aligned beforehand. Sprites pulled from MUGEN characters almost never are.

2.) I would strongly recommend using blur effects as little as possible. I'm on a good computer and I still had an issue with skipped frames during and after the free-fall part. Leaving those background clouds blurred for the final section of the fight made my computer shit a brick. If you have to have a blurred background, blur the image in Photoshop and import it rather than using the native blur feature in flash.

3.) It would probably behoove you to get some better hitsparks. In my opinion, MvC sparks linger too long. A good hitspark should show the hit, then get the hell out of the way as soon as possible.

4.) General choreographic tip: Don't let your characters land free hits. Make them work for it. Blocks and counters should be the norm, not the exception. If a standing attack CAN be blocked, it probably should be.


I'm a firm believer in the "tough shit" rule when it comes to flash releases, so I must disagree with Tech regarding how to go forward. If you release it and you want to later improve upon it, then tough shit. It's out. It's done. Unless your change is minimal and improves performance (like changing the menu or taking steps to remove lag issues), don't bother with it.

Gotta keep moving forward...

4/5 8/10



it was a good flash over all BUT there were alot of...flaws. ill try to break it down so it can help you on your next one.
1. the sprites weren't aligned. biiiig biiig deal. have to always check to make sure the sprites are placed right. Im not sure if you used the right tools to align them. but if you didnt. start by making it to where you can see your previous frame. THEN look on your layers area and you'll see a outlined square. click that. it makes it so that you can see the outline of the jpg/gif. when you click it you wont be able to see the sprites you'll see the outline of the whole gif/jpg align it that way. sorry im not on MY laptop so i cant explain it very well.. lol
2. needs alittle speed :] it had nice action! its just that some moves came alittle slower than it should have. just delete some parts of the video to make it look faster.
3. THE BACKGEROUND nooooo~ lol i could see the edges of the background. try not to show the edges. if you use a V-cam just then just put the V-cam at the edge of the background but im pretty sure you knew that..it was just a mistake.

other than that dude its fine!!! i would recommend. updating THIS flash you just made instead of making a new one. I do that to get some more practice in before I try new things ya no? I hope it helped :]

Ill give you a 10 for picking Kyo!

Credits & Info

4.05 / 5.00

Jan 30, 2011
12:01 AM EST