needs A LOT of work
So lets sums it up, very repetitive, very bad graphics, very few bonuses, i know some games that have two pages list of bonus, very easy, unexplained super weapons (dolphins and ninjas !!!)
Trippy Ballz is a retro arcade-style game in the bat-and-ball tradition of games like Arkanoid or Breakout... but much more wacky and trippy. :P
needs A LOT of work
So lets sums it up, very repetitive, very bad graphics, very few bonuses, i know some games that have two pages list of bonus, very easy, unexplained super weapons (dolphins and ninjas !!!)
God this is fun :D
I love the idea of this game :D:D:D But it sure needs more random things flying across the screen :D keep up the good work and ill be waiting for a second part of this game ;)
A nice and original twist to good old Arkanoid
I didn't expect much from the title of this game and the title screen, but after playing 5 levels of this I must say it's very good! It's pretty original and funny, I didn't think I would see an Arkanoid game with ninjas, dolphins and other weird stuff. It's very amusing with lots of funny things. Also, i thought the ? powerup would give me a random powerup, but it gave me something better... This is just a great crazy game for times when you're bored. It ain't perfect but still it's a good game.
Also, some levels seem to run slowly for some reason, but I am pretty sure it's not your fault.