Just Random Humor
Random is funny,
i liked it!
My first attempt at any animation (besides practices). I pretty much made what was in my head at the time happen on the screen.
Just Random Humor
Random is funny,
i liked it!
to say the least. For a first try it was good though. Obviously the story did not make much sense but if it was random thoughts I suppose that works. The artistry was simple but for this work I think that it makes sense. Overall good job, but I'm not all that much into randomness so I gave it 4/5 for my personal taste.
I don't mean to be nosy... but I have to ask... were any mind altering substances involved in the making of this film?... Seriously... Its like watching sesame street on crack..."One of these things is not like the others... One of these things just randomly morphed into a banana/worm!"... No.. well... anyway... I will admit it made me laugh... but mind altering substances may have been involved in that too... In any case... good job on the randomness, and the animation wasn't bad either .
Okay I am not even sure what I just watched and yet it was the greatest video ever! okay well maybe not but it was very close! this had me laughing at something when I couldn't even tell what the hell was going on! great job
weird which is good
wasn't the best animation but had a high weird factor which up'd it likability alot !!! pretty good